Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

Ditabrak Angkot

Pagi ini sial banget, pagi-pagi lagi jalan ke kantor, ada angkot jurusan Ps. Jumat-Pondok Labu nyenggol. Udah gitu tuh angkot kagak ada sopan santunnya lagi, main nyelonong pergi. Heran ya, jaman sekarang orang emang udah ga tau sopan santun kali ya, minta maaf kek, apa kek, ini malah tambah ngebut, emang ga ada niat baik ya.Hmmmmffff....Sebel. Untungnya gw ga kenapa2, hmm kalo memar2 dikiiiiiit aja, gw udah teriakin tuh angkot. Kayanya gw masih inget tampang supirnya, soalnya ngeliat pas dia masih nge-tem. Hmmm...*revenge mode on*. Awas aja lu bang supir....

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

More..and more...

Work...yeah..that what I have for this month, I hope I can finish it..can I?

Party girl...NOT

Last thursday our group had a farewel party for one of the senior researcher...well the party is okay...although there aren't too many food, but one thing for sure..I'm definetely not a party girl.
First of all, I don't know what to say or what to talk...er...or maybe because they and I didn't speak the same languange..hehe...but still I look like an alien...it's so out of place
So, I just became the good observer, well that what I do best...just sat on the corner and watch everyone and off course eating...now at least I know how the japanese's do party...

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009


my experiment seems to be failed
it has to be in friday, the day i have to leave it for the next two days
I felt so tired when it happened

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Private lesson

Hmmm...I'm usually the one who gave private lessons, but in this place I'm become the student and it felt nice, because I can ask anything he he...
And today, I'd just received message from my friend back home that said we have new employee in the office, and this new employee will be using my desk for temporary. Actually, I don't mind but why do I have a feeling that it's going to be problem when I get back...I hope not.
Ough..I have so much to do this month, I have to finish the experiments about the etching...four kinds of samples, each samples had two different pre-treatment so that makes eight samples and each samples have to be etch more than one time, possibly twice is the minimum and one type of the samples need more than three days to be measured....I hope I have enough time to do all of that...and after all that I have to measure the SEM for each samples, hmmm...absolutely a lot of things to do.

Selasa, 25 November 2008

Me and my disorientation

Pernah ga bingung muter keran, mana arah yang nutup n mana yang buka?
It's happen to me all the time...
Bukan cuma saat nutup n buka keran aja, tapi arah, tempat hmmm....semuanya disorientasi
Jadi jangan pernah nanya soal arah mata angin ya, karena pasti jawabnya ga tau hehe...
Apalagi kalo di tempat baru, kaya sekarang, tempat kerja baru...daerah baru...negara baru...:)

Kantor tempat kerja sekarang ada 4 lantai, mejaku n laptopku ada di lantai 2, sedang lab ada di lantai 4. Suatu hari, abis kerja di lantai 4 turun deh tuh, niatnya ke lantai 2, tapi entah kenapa nyasar ke lantai 3, baru sadar kalo itu lantai 3 pas udah sampe di ujung koridor, dimana koridor itu gelap n ga ada ruangan untuk kantornya (ruangan tempat meja n laptopku ada di ujung koridor lantai 2). Tuh hari mending ga ada orang...the next day, persis besoknya...it's happened again, tapi kali ini ada 2 orang yang baru keluar dari koridor, anehnya kok aku tetep ga nyadar kalo tuh 2 orang ruangannya bukan di lantai 2, secara semua orang di lantai 2 adalah temen satu lab. Tuh 2 orang cuma ngangguk aja ngeliat aku masuk ke koridor itu, mungkin mereka bingung kali ya, ngapain nih cewe nyasar ke lantai ini hehe...
Bodohnya aku tetep nerusin masuk ke koridor itu n again...baru sadar kalo itu koridor lantai 3 pas udah sampe ujung hahaha....
Pas jalan2 keluar juga begitu, kita (me n my 2 other friends from Thai) tiap minggu selalu belanja ke supermarket naik sepeda...biasanya aku selalu jalan di tengah-tengah, tapi hari itu aku jalan di depan n dengan bodohnya (hehe...) aku salah belok, harusnya ke kanan malah ke kiri, n temen2ku itu pada ngikutin ( sorry ya...). Sejak itu, mereka ga pernah nyuruh aku jalan di depan lagi huahaha....

Senin, 17 November 2008

Negative thinking

I don't know whats wrong today, actually I think I know...not get enough sleep...This is not my first time for staying up all night, I often do that if I read really good novel hehe...but I don't know this time suddenly all the negative thinking is just coming out of my mind...Oh, I have stop this....And reading about "the laskar pelangi story" from the internet is not make me feel any better. Why they have to do that? I mean why you can you just enjoy other people happy? Why do you have to ruin everything by saying bad things...I guessed that is the risk of being famous....
Maybe I should find happy reading, just to lighten my mind a bit.